Q&A With The Couple: Clubs & Couples

In this series, we answer the most common questions sent to up about the clubs and lifestyle of the couples with a bisexual wife. Got a question?

  • Do couples really go to strip clubs?
  • What are the best tips for a couple visiting a strip club?
  • Are club packages a good deal or a rip off?
  • What is mileage and what determines the extent of it?

Do couples really go to strip clubs?

You would be amazed at how many couples frequent strip clubs. The Gal and I are constantly surprised at how many couples (as well as single women and parties of ladies) are in attendance. While there are some women there at the behest of their significant others – and it shows; many are there of their own accord and really get in on the fun. Over the years, it seems more and more gals are enjoying the show. – The Guy

What are the best tips for a couple visiting a strip club?

There are too many for a simple FAQ. Please see our full tips page here.

Are club packages a good deal or a rip off?

This tends to vary from club to club – but our experience has been that “couples” packages are really worth it if they are priced appropriately. Packages usually contain several things; cover charges, transportation to/from the club, a reserved table (this is HUGE), some booze (bottle, half-bottle, x number of drinks, etc. usually covering any club drink minimum per person) and often some “front of the line” privileges and even “stripper bucks” of some sort.

As a couple, you’re probably going to go have some VIP time together. Losing your table and coming back to standing-room-only after you’ve had a magic experience with a dancer can leave a bad taste in your mouth. If you’re at a club late on a Friday or Saturday night? You really need a reserved table as a couple.

Package holders often get more attention from staff; from servers to dancers. This isn’t something you can put a price tag on.

It is worth noting that singles and large group packages require you do a little more math to ensure the deal is worth it. Just remember, this is more than just cover and a little bottle of booze. There are uncalculatable values that need to be weighed and the day of the week (even the season of the year) can cause those values to fluctuate. – The Guy

What is mileage and what determines the extent of it?

Mileage is considered just how much “action” you can get with a dancer at a given club. For men, it usually revolves around how much you’re allowed to touch. Women are often allowed more “mileage” than men. Mileage is a combination of club rules and personal dancer rules. Frequently, mileage is associated with a given club; “The Palomino has great mileage” – but the truth is, mileage is a “per dancers” situation coupled with a “per customer” situation. You’ve heard the expression “Your Mileage May Vary”? It isn’t just about cars. The same dancer may allow a woman to play with her nipples where a man may not even be allowed to touch her breasts at all. Before getting that private dance or VIP experience, talk openly about “the rules”. Dancers are professionals – I’m sure they would prefer you ask permission rather than beg forgiveness. – The Guy

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